Curriculum Vitae
For full curriculum vitae, download this document (updated regularly).
Partial curriculum vitae can be read below.
Partial curriculum vitae can be read below.
Academic Appointments
Courses Taught
General Research and Teaching Interests
Del Gandio, J. & Thompson, A. K. (Eds.). (2017). Spontaneous combustion: The eros effect and global revolution. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
Del Gandio, J. & Nocella, A. J. (Eds.). (2014). Educating for action: Strategies to ignite social justice. Gabriola Island, B.C.: New Society Press.
Del Gandio, J. & Nocella, A. J. (Eds.). (2014). The terrorization of dissent: Corporate repression, legal corruption, and the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. Brooklyn, NY: Lantern Books.
Del Gandio, J. (2008). Rhetoric for radicals: A handbook for twenty-first century activists. Gabriola Island, B.C.: New Society Press.
Academic Peer Reviewed Publications
Del Gandio, J. (2022). "Pulsating with love and light": A case study on Phish and the vibe. Public Philosophy Journal, 4(3), n.p. (online). [Special issue on the band Phish.]
Del Gandio, J. (2017). Social movement literacy: A conceptual overview. Pedagogy and Theater of the Oppressed Journal, 2(1), 1-26.
Del Gandio, J. (2017). Social movement literacy: Syllabus. Dialogues in Social Justice: An Adult Education Journal, 2(2), 123-132.
Del Gandio, J.(2017). Expanding CAP’s interventionist model and developing proper learning rubrics [Special forum on communication activism pedagogy (CAP)]. Communication Education, 66(3), 376-378.
Del Gandio, J. (2017). More than solutions: Empowering students to think strategically and tactically. Communication Teacher, 31(2), 63-69.
Del Gandio, J. (2015.) Activists, bodies, and political arguments. Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, 11(4), 1-13. [Special issue on pedagogy and performance; article originally presented as the Keynote address at the 2014 Patti Pace Performance Festival.]
Del Gandio, J. (2014). Extending the eros effect: Sentience, reality, and emanation. New Political Science, 36(2), 129-148.
Del Gandio, J. (2012). From Affectivity to emanation: An introduction to the human vibe. PhaenEx: Journal of Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture, 7(2), 28-58.
Del Gandio, J. (2011). Rethinking immaterial labor: Communication, reality, and neo-radicalism. Radical Philosophy Review, 14(2), 121-38.
Del Gandio, J. (2009). You can do it: A conversation with theatrical artist Cynthia Hopkins. Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, 5(4), 1-20.
Del Gandio, J. (2008). Global justice rhetoric: Observations and suggestions. Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization, 8(2), 182-203.
Del Gandio, J. (2006). Performing the dum’ dum doctrine: A non-representational account of Bush’s expansionism. Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, 2(1), n.p. (online).
Del Gandio, J. (2006). Bush's S20 and the rerouting of American order. Cultural Logic: An Electronic Journal of Marxist Theory and Practice, 9, n.p. (online).
Book Chapters
Del Gandio, J. (2020). Direct action, then and now: Comparing the sit-ins and occupy. In S.P. O'Rourke and L.K. Pace (Eds.), Like wildfire: The rhetoric of the civil rights sit-ins (pp. 292-313). Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press.
Del Gandio, J. (2017). Rethinking the eros effect: Sentience, emanation, and reality. In J. Del Gandio and AK Thompson (Eds.), Spontaneous combustion: The eros effect and global revolution (pp. 97-118). Albany, NY: SUNY Press. [Essay was adapted and updated from a previous publication.]
Del Gandio, J. (2014). Communication and rhetoric. In J. Del Gandio and A. J. Nocella (Eds.), Educating for action: Strategies to ignite social justice (pp. 37-53). Gabriola Island, B.C.: New Society Press.
Del Gandio, J. (2014). The rhetoric of terrorism. In J. Del Gandio and A. J. Nocella (Eds.), The terrorization of dissent: Corporate repression, legal corruption, and the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (pp. 203-219). Brooklyn, NY: Lantern Books.
Del Gandio, J. (2013.) Campus arrests as a logic of neoliberalism. In A. J. Nocella and D. Gabbard (Eds.), Policing the campus: Academic repression, surveillance, and the occupy movement (pp. 3-14). New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.
Del Gandio, J. (2013). Performing nonhuman liberation: How the alf and elf rupture the political imagination. In R. D. Besel and J. A. Blau (Eds.), Performance on behalf of the environment (pp. 27-49). Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Book Reviews
Del Gandio, J. (2015). Review of the book Teaching communication activism: Communication education for social justice, by L. R. Frey and D. L. Palmer (Eds.). Southern Communication Journal, 80(3), 248-251.
Del Gandio, J. (2015). Review of the book A question of sex: Feminism, rhetoric, and differences that matter, by K. Poirot. First Amendment Studies, 49(1), 67-70.
Del Gandio, J. (2014). Review of the book Soapbox rebellion: The hobo orator union and the free speech fights of the industrial workers of the world, 1909-1916, by M. S. May. First Amendment Studies, 48(1), 77-79.
Del Gandio, J. (2010). Review of the book Imaginal machines: Autonomy and self-organization in the revolutions of everyday life, by S. Shukaitis. Peace Studies Journal, 3(2), 78-81.
Encyclopedia Articles
Del Gandio, J. (2012). Hegemony. In M. Kosut (Ed.), Encyclopedia of gender in media. Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.
Del Gandio, J. (2012). Henry Giroux. In M. Kosut (Ed.), Encyclopedia of gender in media. Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.
Del Gandio, J. (2008). Free love. In J. T. Sears (Ed.), Encyclopedia of love, courtship, and sexuality throughout history: Vol.6, the modern world. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
Del Gandio, J. (2007). Abbie Hoffman. In G. L. Anderson and K. G. Herr (Eds.), Encyclopedia of activism and social justice. Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.
Del Gandio, J. (2007). Friedrich Nietzsche. In G. L. Anderson and K. G. Herr (Eds.), Encyclopedia of activism and social justice. Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.
Del Gandio, J. (2007). Multitude. In G. L. Anderson and K. G. Herr (Eds.), Encyclopedia of activism and social justice. Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.
Del Gandio, J. (2007). Simone de Beauvoir. In G. L. Anderson and K. G. Herr (Eds.), Encyclopedia of activism and social justice. Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.
Public Work: Talks, Interviews, Etc.
Del Gandio, J. (2021, June). Social movements and globalization. Invited guest lecture for an undergraduate class, Temple University, Japan Campus (via Zoom).
Del Gandio, J. (2021, May). Invited respondent, Neoliberalism and higher education in the age of Trump. Panel organized by Future U, Michigan State University (via Zoom).
Del Gandio, J. (2021, March). Social movements and globalization. Invited guest lecture for an undergraduate class, Temple University, Japan Campus (via Zoom).
Del Gandio, J. (2020, November). Panelist, Global perspectives on social movements, unrest and dissent in 2020. Part of Temple University’s Global Reach, Global Teach International Education Week, virtual discussion.
Del Gandio, J. (2018, April). Rhetoric and social movements. Skype discussion for an undergraduate class, Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO.
Del Gandio, J. (2017, May). A series of talks on Teaching Civil Discourse. Department of English and Humanities at York College, York, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2016, October). Failure to obey: On the significance of social movements. Invited guest lecture, Villanova Alumni Committee, Graterford State Prison, Skippack, PA. [The alumni committee is an organization of incarcerated students who graduated from Villanova University’s college program.]
Del Gandio, J. (2015, October). Rhetoric for radicals. Guest speaker at Graterford State Prison undergraduate writing class [degree offered through Villanova University], Skippack, PA. [The class used my book, Rhetoric for radicals: A handbook for 21st century activists.]
Del Gandio, J. (2015, March). Rhetoric and activism. Skype presentation for an undergraduate class, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. [The class was using my book, Rhetoric for radicals: A Handbook for 21st activists.]
Del Gandio, J. (2014, November). The AETA and the terrorization of dissent. Presentation for the Vassar Animal Rights Coalition [student organization], Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY.
Del Gandio, J. (2013, October). Becoming an effective activist. Talk/workshop presented at Temple University, Office of Sustainability, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2012, March). Social justice education in the occupy movement. Skype presentation for an undergraduate class, Hamline University, St. Paul, MN.
Del Gandio, J. (2011, October). What is occupy? Panel participant for the Temple University Law School, National Lawyers Guild Student Chapter, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2010, November). Communication, immaterial labor, and social change. Talk presented for the Students for a Democratic Society [student organization], Napa Valley College, Napa, CA.
Del Gandio, J. (2010, November). Communication, immaterial labor, and social change. Talk presented at the University of San Francisco, Department of Communication, San Francisco, CA.
Del Gandio, J. (2010, November). Rhetoric and social change. Informal talk with students and faculty at San Francisco State University, Communication Studies Department, San Francisco, CA.
Del Gandio, J. (2010, November). Communication, immaterial labor, and social change. Talk presented for the Buffalo State Students for Peace [student organization], Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY.
Del Gandio, J. (2010, February). Multi-day workshops and talks on radical rhetoric(s). Presented at the University of Tennessee, Department of English [Writing, Language, and Rhetoric concentration], Knoxville, TN.
Del Gandio, J. (2009, October). Communication, desire, and the creation of reality: A preliminary talk on neo-radicalism. Talk presented at the University of Louisiana at Monroe, Department of Communication, Monroe, LA.
Del Gandio, J. (2009, March). The performance, philosophy, and rhetoric of neo- radicalism: Activism and the construction of reality. Talk presented at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Department of Speech Communication, Carbondale, IL.
Del Gandio, J. (2017, February). Online activism and protests. Guest on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal. Online at
Del Gandio, J. (2012, May). Poorfare state. Panel participant on RT’s CrossTalk. Online at
Del Gandio, J. (2011, October). The 99%. Panel participant on RT’s CrossTalk. Online at
Radio Interviews/Talks
(2020, July 21). BYUradio (SiriusXM 143), Provo, Utah.
(2020, April 10). Brian Talks to Humans (Podcast), Montclair, NJ.
(2017, January 16). KCBS Radio, San Francisco, CA.
(2016, June 21). Raging Chicken Press Radio (Podcast), Kutztown, PA.
(2014, September 2). Total Liberation Radio (Podcast), Minneapolis, MN.
(2014, August 30). Total Liberation Radio (Podcast), Minneapolis, MN.
(2014, July 29). Progressive Radio Network, New York, NY.
(2013, December 11). WRPI Radio, Troy, NY.
(2012, July 11). J.J.’s Power Hour. WHIP Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.
(2012, April 26). J.J.’s Power Hour. WHIP Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.
(2011, February 23). The Critical Lede (Podcast), South Carolina.
(2010, August 26). WPEB Radio, Philadelphia, PA.
(2009, October 27). KEDM Radio, NPR affiliate, Monroe, LA
(2009, August 21). WBAI Radio, New York, NY.
(2009, March 16). WDBX Radio, Carbondale, IL.
(2009, January 22). WURD Radio, Philadelphia, PA.
(2008, December 30). KCMN Radio, Colorado Springs, CO.
(2008, December 29). WORT-FM, Madison, WI, PRI & Pacifica affiliate.
(2008, December 23). KERA Radio, NPR affiliate, Dallas TX.
(2008, December, 17). VIEWPOINTS. Media Tracks. Nationally Syndicated.
(2008, December, 17). KCBX FM 90, NPR affiliate, San Luis Obispo, CA.
(2008, December, 17). Lime Radio, Sirius Satellite Network, National.
(2008, December 15). KFIZ Radio, statewide Wisconsin.
(2008, December 12). News Feature, Voice of America, International.
(2008, December 11). WAMC, National Productions, NPR, Albany, NY.
(2008, December 9). KRCL Radio, Salt Lake City, UT.
(2008, December 5). WCBQ-WHNC-AM, Oxford, North Carolina.
(2008, December 5). WGVU Radio, Grand Rapids, MI, NPR affiliate.
(2008, December 5). WPKM RADIO, Bridgeport, CT & Montauk, NY.
(2008, December 1). Newsradio710keel in Shreveport, LA.
(2008, December 1). KVON Radio, ABC Radio Affiliate in Napa, CA.
(2008, December 1). WBEV Radio, Madison & Central WI.
(2008, November 21). KAXE Radio, NPR in Grand Rapid, MN.
(2008, November 19). KSFR Radio, Santa Fe/Albuquerque, NM.
Newspaper Interviews/Quoted-In
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2023, February 14). Susan Snyder, Striking grad students feel the toll of Temple’s tactics but remain steadfast. Philadelphia Inquirer, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2022, November 18). Fallon Roth, Chappelle stirs the pot as fallout from Kanye’s antisemitism boils over. Moment Magazine, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2020, December 1). Nichole Currie, Look back at how activists in 2020 set their sights on creating a better, kinder city. Grid Magazine, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2020, November 16). Stephen Loiaconi, After violence at DC ‘MAGA March’, experts say divisions run deeper than Trump. Sinclair Broadcast Group, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2020, October 30). Chanel Hill, College professors take a deeper look at the city's social unrest. The Philadelphia Tribune, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2020, September 17). Alyssa Biederman, Meet Gen Z activists: Called to action in an unsettled world. Burlington County Times/Bucks County Courier Post, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2020, August 31). Stephen Loiaconi, Oregon officials spar with Trump over responsibility as Portland unrest turns fatal. Sinclair Broadcast Group, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2020, July 20). Stephen Loiaconi, House Dems and local officials challenge Trump's use of federal officers in Portland. Sinclair Broadcast Group, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2020, June 11). Stephen Loiaconi, Seattle officials rebuff Trump threats as they struggle with protesters’ ‘autonomous zone’. Sinclair Broadcast Group, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2019, December 23). Susan Snyder & Anna Orso, A ‘new wave’ of activism on campus: Students are aggressively seeking their demands. Philadelphia Inquirer, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2019, August 14). Stephen Loiaconi, ICE blames ‘political rhetoric’ for violence against offices as immigration tensions rise. Sinclair Broadcast Group, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2018, January 22). Stephen Loiaconi, Resistance, supporters remain energized one year after Trump took office. WJLA, ABC affiliate, Washington, DC, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2017, November 16). Stephen Loiaconi, Experts say Democrats have little to gain from pursuing Trump impeachment. WJLA, ABC affiliate, Washington, DC, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2017, September 20). Stephen Loiaconi, Some DACA recipients wary of Democrats considering deal with Trump. WJLA, ABC affiliate, Washington, DC, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2017, August 24). Leandra Bernstein, Antifa, far-right clashes raises questions about violence as a political tool. WHP CBS 21, Harrisburg, PA, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2017, August 7). Stephen Loiaconi, Violent protests in Oregon on eve of Trump’s 200th day in office. WJLA, ABC affiliate, Washington, DC, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2017, June 15). Stephen Loiaconi, After shooting, law makers aim to tamp down extreme rhetoric. WJLA, ABC affiliate, Washington, DC, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2017, April 28). Stephen Loiaconi, Canceled Coulter Speech sparks debate over free speech at colleges. WJLA, ABC affiliate, Washington, DC, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2017, March 14). Stephen Loiaconi, Spicer harassment at Apple store a sign of increasingly uncivil times. WJLA, ABC affiliate, Washington, DC, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2017, March 6). Stephen Loiaconi, Former Obama officials become aggressive voices against Trump. WJLA, ABC affiliate, Washington, DC, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2017, March 2). Anna Orso & Mark Dent, Why Pat Toomey is maybe the most-protested U.S. senator. Billy Penn, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2017, February 24). Stephen Loiaconi, Experts: Town hall anger may not translate into electoral gains for Democrats. WJLA, ABC affiliate, Washington, DC, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio quoted-in (2017, February 5). Quote pulled from Newswise, What should anti-Trump protesters do next? Gloucester City News,, online n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2017, January 30). Stephen Loiaconi, Democrats may not be able to capitalize on anti-Trump movement. WJLA, ABC affiliate, Washington, DC, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2016, December 28). Christopher Mele, Online petitions take citizen participation to new levels. New York Times, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2013, October 2). Dana DiFilippo, Drones for the claws. Philadelphia Daily News, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2013, July 15). Jeff Gammage, Another reason backers say PA should legalize gay marriage: $$$. Philadelphia Inquirer, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2013, April 8). Nicole Radzievich, Penn state trustee campaign heats up. The Morning Call, p. A1.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2009, January 15-22). Molly Eichel, Speaking radically. Philadelphia City Paper, p. 38.
Book Events and Discussions
Book: Spontaneous Combustion: The Eros Effect and Global Revolution.
Book: The terrorization of dissent: Corporate repression, legal corruption, and the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act.
Del Gandio, J. (2022, April 7). Art and activism. Invited talk for members of the Temple University chapter of All in Pennsylvania [a voter registration organization]. Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2020, January/February). Communication/Campaign Consulting. Offered free advice/consulting (on messaging, strategy, press release/press advisory) to the Director of Campus Programs of Divest Ed (a nonprofit part of the youth climate movement). Cambridge, MA.
Del Gandio, J. (2019, March 21). Art and activism. Invited talk for members of the Temple University chapter of Defend Our Future [nonpartisan environmental nonprofit]. Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2018, July 31). Art and activism. Invited talk for members of Defend Our Future [nonpartisan environmental nonprofit]. Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2017, June 14). Communication/Campaign Consulting. Offered free consulting (on language, messaging, strategy) to the Philabundance Department of Sustainability. Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2017, March 27). Workshop: Social Movement Literacy. Workshop for University Community Collaborative [a youth leadership program]. Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2017, February 3). Workshop: Primer on activism and organizing. Private workshop for Kids March for Bernie [a coalition of progressive families; including adults and kids ages six to thirteen]. Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2016, February 19). Workshop: Internal organization for activists. Private workshop for Maroon Tribe Philly, a Black arts and political education collective started by Temple University students.
Del Gandio, J. (2011, September 28). The vibe as bodily emanation: A public talk and discussion. Public talk/discussion presented at Space 2033, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2011, August 29). Invitational rhetoric: A workshop on feminist communication. Public talk/discussion presented at Space 2033, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2011, August 21). Finding the other: The power of the human word. Invited speaker/participant at Steel City Coffee House, Phoenixville, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2011, July 28). Invitational rhetoric: A workshop on feminist communication. Public talk/discussion presented at Wooden Shoe Bookstore, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J., & Nocella, A. J. (2011, June 9). A workshop on transformative justice and communication. Public talk/discussion presented at Wooden Shoe Bookstore, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2011, June 8). Philosophy for radicals: A how-to workshop. Public talk/discussion presented at Wooden Shoe Bookstore, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2011, June 1). Speaking radically: A public speaking workshop. Public talk/discussion presented at Wooden Shoe Bookstore, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2011, May 9). Facilitator, public viewing and discussion of the documentary Examined life [Dir. Astra Taylor, 2009]. Presented at Wooden Shoe Bookstore, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2009, January 15). Speaking radically: A public speaking workshop. Talk/discussion presented at Wooden Shoe Bookstore, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2009, January 13). Speaking radically: A public speaking workshop. Talk/discussion presented for the NY Trade Justice Coalition, at the Brecht Forum, Manhattan, NY.
Del Gandio, J. (2008, January 4). Facilitator, Intellectuals and radical social change. Reading and discussion group held at Wooden Shoe Bookstore, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2007, December 18). Facilitator, Which way to revolution: Materialism, immaterialism, and implications for contemporary activist theory and practice. Reading and discussion group held at Wooden Shoe Bookstore, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2007, June 4 and 11). Rhetoric for radicals: A communication workshop. Talk/discussion presented at A-Space, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2007, March 11). Hardt and Negri’s multitude: Explanation and discussion. Talk/discussion presented the National Conference on Organized Resistance, Washington, DC.
Del Gandio, J. (2006, July). Public speaking workshop. Talk/discussion presented for the NYC People’s Referendum on Free Trade, Manhattan, NY.
Del Gandio, J. (2005, February). Revolutionary discourse: Knowledge, skills, and craft. Talk presented at the National Conference on Organized Resistance, Washington, DC.
Del Gandio, J. (2004, January). Stopping the FTAA and CAFTA: Strategies and alternatives. Talk presented at the National Conference on Organized Resistance, Washington, DC.
Del Gandio, J. (2004, January). Speaking radically: A public speaking workshop for radicals. Talk/discussion presented at the National Conference on Organized Resistance, Washington, DC.
Del Gandio, J. (2018, June 13). Invited speaker, lobbying day to end Pennsylvania’s life without parole [LWOP]. Harrisburg, PA.
(2016, Winter to 2017, Summer). Invited to attend meetings of Lifers Intra-Organizational Network and provide expert advice on the campaign to overturn life without parole in Pennsylvania. Graterford State Prison, Skippack, PA.
(2016, July 11-13). Conference participant. Restoring American values: Combatting anti-Muslim speech and behavior. Conference organized by the National Institute for Civil Discourse, Washington, DC. [Invited to attend by the School of Media and Communication, Dean’s Office.]
(2010-2013). Director and co-founder, Academy for peace education [training school for peace activists].
(2011, October-to-December). Occupy Philadelphia. Contributed to the media working-group [wrote stories for website, interviewed activists, promoted occupy-related events], Philadelphia, PA.
(2010, March-to-present). Rhetoricians for Peace. An online collaborative community of scholars and teachers of rhetoric dedicated to social justice. [Most of the participants are from English/composition.]
(2005, fall). World Can’t Wait, NYC local chapter. A national coalition dedicated to building a progressive movement responsive to the post-9/11 environment. Served on the steering committee [organized marches, speaking events, fund raisers; contacted elected officials; helped with outreach], New York City.
(2004, summer). The RNC Welcoming Committee. Organized housing for demonstrations against the Republican National Convention, New York City.
(2003-2004). NYC People’s Referendum. A grassroots coalition dedicated to reforming economic free trade agreements. Member of the congressional watch and provided help with the outreach committee. New York City.
(2003-2004). Long Island Teachers for Human Rights. A coalition of teachers monitoring and fighting for human rights, Long Island, NY.
(2003-2005). Near New York, Inc. A community based performance and art company, Long Island, NY. Volunteered as project coordinator, Long Island, NY.
(2003, Fall). Community outreach educator and workshop leader for The Women and work performance project, Long Island, NY.
(2003, March). Radio appearance to discuss economic globalization, the global justice movement, and the peace movement. Linda Longmire, WRHU 88.7 FM, Hofstra University, Long Island, NY.
(2003, April). International Delegate, on behalf of NYCISPES. Traveled to Venezuela with a delegation of NYC activists to observe a Latin American Solidarity Conference. Submitted a report on the current state of the Venezuelan revolution.
- Temple University. Associate Professor (non-tenure track). Department of Communication & Social Influence. 2017 to present.
- Temple University. Assistant Professor (non-tenure track). Department of Strategic Communication. 2008 to 2017.
- Temple University. Lecturer. Department of Strategic and Organizational Communication. 2006 to 2008.
- Kean University. Adjunct. Communication Department. 2005.
- Fashion Institute of Technology. Adjunct. English and Speech Department. 2005.
- Nassau Community College. Instructor. Communications Department. Fall 2004.
- Hofstra University. Special Assistant Professor. Department of Speech Communication and Rhetorical Studies. 2002-04.
- Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Graduate Teaching Assistant. Department of Speech Communication. 1997-2002.
- Ph.D., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 2002: Speech Communication, emphasis in the Philosophy of Communication; secondary emphasis in Performance Studies. Dissertation Title: My Journey with Vibes, The Nexus, and Alteration: A Performing Philosophy. Directed by Lenore Langsdorf.
- M.S., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 1998: Speech Communication, Philosophy of Communication emphasis.
- B.A., Kean University of New Jersey, 1997: Philosophy, and a minor in Speech Communication.
Courses Taught
- Activism and Organizing
- Social Movements
- Civil Disobedience
- Counter-Cultural Communication
- Rhetorical Theory
- Rhetorical Criticism
- Undergraduate Capstone (Rhetoric and Public Advocacy)
- Social Movement Literacy
- Rhetoric of Globalization
- Persuasion
- Argumentation and Advocacy
- Performing Cultures
- Public Speaking
- Professional Speaking
- Interpersonal Communication
- Oral Communication (Hybrid)
- Various Independent Studies (everything from Albert Camus to the rhetoric of Trumpism)
General Research and Teaching Interests
- Theory and Practice of Social Justice
- Activism and Social Movements
- Intersections of Performance, Philosophy, and Rhetoric
- Critical/Cultural Theory
- Social/Political Theory
- Continental Philosophy
Del Gandio, J. & Thompson, A. K. (Eds.). (2017). Spontaneous combustion: The eros effect and global revolution. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
Del Gandio, J. & Nocella, A. J. (Eds.). (2014). Educating for action: Strategies to ignite social justice. Gabriola Island, B.C.: New Society Press.
Del Gandio, J. & Nocella, A. J. (Eds.). (2014). The terrorization of dissent: Corporate repression, legal corruption, and the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. Brooklyn, NY: Lantern Books.
Del Gandio, J. (2008). Rhetoric for radicals: A handbook for twenty-first century activists. Gabriola Island, B.C.: New Society Press.
- Tied for the Gold Award (first place) in the category of Social Activism by the Independent Publishers Industry (April, 2009).
- Translated into Korean (2011).
Academic Peer Reviewed Publications
Del Gandio, J. (2022). "Pulsating with love and light": A case study on Phish and the vibe. Public Philosophy Journal, 4(3), n.p. (online). [Special issue on the band Phish.]
Del Gandio, J. (2017). Social movement literacy: A conceptual overview. Pedagogy and Theater of the Oppressed Journal, 2(1), 1-26.
Del Gandio, J. (2017). Social movement literacy: Syllabus. Dialogues in Social Justice: An Adult Education Journal, 2(2), 123-132.
Del Gandio, J.(2017). Expanding CAP’s interventionist model and developing proper learning rubrics [Special forum on communication activism pedagogy (CAP)]. Communication Education, 66(3), 376-378.
Del Gandio, J. (2017). More than solutions: Empowering students to think strategically and tactically. Communication Teacher, 31(2), 63-69.
Del Gandio, J. (2015.) Activists, bodies, and political arguments. Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, 11(4), 1-13. [Special issue on pedagogy and performance; article originally presented as the Keynote address at the 2014 Patti Pace Performance Festival.]
Del Gandio, J. (2014). Extending the eros effect: Sentience, reality, and emanation. New Political Science, 36(2), 129-148.
Del Gandio, J. (2012). From Affectivity to emanation: An introduction to the human vibe. PhaenEx: Journal of Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture, 7(2), 28-58.
Del Gandio, J. (2011). Rethinking immaterial labor: Communication, reality, and neo-radicalism. Radical Philosophy Review, 14(2), 121-38.
Del Gandio, J. (2009). You can do it: A conversation with theatrical artist Cynthia Hopkins. Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, 5(4), 1-20.
Del Gandio, J. (2008). Global justice rhetoric: Observations and suggestions. Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization, 8(2), 182-203.
Del Gandio, J. (2006). Performing the dum’ dum doctrine: A non-representational account of Bush’s expansionism. Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, 2(1), n.p. (online).
Del Gandio, J. (2006). Bush's S20 and the rerouting of American order. Cultural Logic: An Electronic Journal of Marxist Theory and Practice, 9, n.p. (online).
Book Chapters
Del Gandio, J. (2020). Direct action, then and now: Comparing the sit-ins and occupy. In S.P. O'Rourke and L.K. Pace (Eds.), Like wildfire: The rhetoric of the civil rights sit-ins (pp. 292-313). Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press.
Del Gandio, J. (2017). Rethinking the eros effect: Sentience, emanation, and reality. In J. Del Gandio and AK Thompson (Eds.), Spontaneous combustion: The eros effect and global revolution (pp. 97-118). Albany, NY: SUNY Press. [Essay was adapted and updated from a previous publication.]
Del Gandio, J. (2014). Communication and rhetoric. In J. Del Gandio and A. J. Nocella (Eds.), Educating for action: Strategies to ignite social justice (pp. 37-53). Gabriola Island, B.C.: New Society Press.
Del Gandio, J. (2014). The rhetoric of terrorism. In J. Del Gandio and A. J. Nocella (Eds.), The terrorization of dissent: Corporate repression, legal corruption, and the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (pp. 203-219). Brooklyn, NY: Lantern Books.
Del Gandio, J. (2013.) Campus arrests as a logic of neoliberalism. In A. J. Nocella and D. Gabbard (Eds.), Policing the campus: Academic repression, surveillance, and the occupy movement (pp. 3-14). New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.
Del Gandio, J. (2013). Performing nonhuman liberation: How the alf and elf rupture the political imagination. In R. D. Besel and J. A. Blau (Eds.), Performance on behalf of the environment (pp. 27-49). Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Book Reviews
Del Gandio, J. (2015). Review of the book Teaching communication activism: Communication education for social justice, by L. R. Frey and D. L. Palmer (Eds.). Southern Communication Journal, 80(3), 248-251.
Del Gandio, J. (2015). Review of the book A question of sex: Feminism, rhetoric, and differences that matter, by K. Poirot. First Amendment Studies, 49(1), 67-70.
Del Gandio, J. (2014). Review of the book Soapbox rebellion: The hobo orator union and the free speech fights of the industrial workers of the world, 1909-1916, by M. S. May. First Amendment Studies, 48(1), 77-79.
Del Gandio, J. (2010). Review of the book Imaginal machines: Autonomy and self-organization in the revolutions of everyday life, by S. Shukaitis. Peace Studies Journal, 3(2), 78-81.
Encyclopedia Articles
Del Gandio, J. (2012). Hegemony. In M. Kosut (Ed.), Encyclopedia of gender in media. Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.
Del Gandio, J. (2012). Henry Giroux. In M. Kosut (Ed.), Encyclopedia of gender in media. Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.
Del Gandio, J. (2008). Free love. In J. T. Sears (Ed.), Encyclopedia of love, courtship, and sexuality throughout history: Vol.6, the modern world. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
Del Gandio, J. (2007). Abbie Hoffman. In G. L. Anderson and K. G. Herr (Eds.), Encyclopedia of activism and social justice. Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.
Del Gandio, J. (2007). Friedrich Nietzsche. In G. L. Anderson and K. G. Herr (Eds.), Encyclopedia of activism and social justice. Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.
Del Gandio, J. (2007). Multitude. In G. L. Anderson and K. G. Herr (Eds.), Encyclopedia of activism and social justice. Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.
Del Gandio, J. (2007). Simone de Beauvoir. In G. L. Anderson and K. G. Herr (Eds.), Encyclopedia of activism and social justice. Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.
Public Work: Talks, Interviews, Etc.
Del Gandio, J. (2021, June). Social movements and globalization. Invited guest lecture for an undergraduate class, Temple University, Japan Campus (via Zoom).
Del Gandio, J. (2021, May). Invited respondent, Neoliberalism and higher education in the age of Trump. Panel organized by Future U, Michigan State University (via Zoom).
Del Gandio, J. (2021, March). Social movements and globalization. Invited guest lecture for an undergraduate class, Temple University, Japan Campus (via Zoom).
Del Gandio, J. (2020, November). Panelist, Global perspectives on social movements, unrest and dissent in 2020. Part of Temple University’s Global Reach, Global Teach International Education Week, virtual discussion.
Del Gandio, J. (2018, April). Rhetoric and social movements. Skype discussion for an undergraduate class, Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO.
Del Gandio, J. (2017, May). A series of talks on Teaching Civil Discourse. Department of English and Humanities at York College, York, PA.
- Social Movement Literacy [talk for faculty].
- Teaching Activism in the Classroom [talk for faculty].
- The Importance of Activism and Social Movements [talk for students and public].
Del Gandio, J. (2016, October). Failure to obey: On the significance of social movements. Invited guest lecture, Villanova Alumni Committee, Graterford State Prison, Skippack, PA. [The alumni committee is an organization of incarcerated students who graduated from Villanova University’s college program.]
Del Gandio, J. (2015, October). Rhetoric for radicals. Guest speaker at Graterford State Prison undergraduate writing class [degree offered through Villanova University], Skippack, PA. [The class used my book, Rhetoric for radicals: A handbook for 21st century activists.]
Del Gandio, J. (2015, March). Rhetoric and activism. Skype presentation for an undergraduate class, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. [The class was using my book, Rhetoric for radicals: A Handbook for 21st activists.]
Del Gandio, J. (2014, November). The AETA and the terrorization of dissent. Presentation for the Vassar Animal Rights Coalition [student organization], Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY.
Del Gandio, J. (2013, October). Becoming an effective activist. Talk/workshop presented at Temple University, Office of Sustainability, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2012, March). Social justice education in the occupy movement. Skype presentation for an undergraduate class, Hamline University, St. Paul, MN.
Del Gandio, J. (2011, October). What is occupy? Panel participant for the Temple University Law School, National Lawyers Guild Student Chapter, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2010, November). Communication, immaterial labor, and social change. Talk presented for the Students for a Democratic Society [student organization], Napa Valley College, Napa, CA.
Del Gandio, J. (2010, November). Communication, immaterial labor, and social change. Talk presented at the University of San Francisco, Department of Communication, San Francisco, CA.
Del Gandio, J. (2010, November). Rhetoric and social change. Informal talk with students and faculty at San Francisco State University, Communication Studies Department, San Francisco, CA.
Del Gandio, J. (2010, November). Communication, immaterial labor, and social change. Talk presented for the Buffalo State Students for Peace [student organization], Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY.
Del Gandio, J. (2010, February). Multi-day workshops and talks on radical rhetoric(s). Presented at the University of Tennessee, Department of English [Writing, Language, and Rhetoric concentration], Knoxville, TN.
- Presented a public talk; facilitated a discussion with graduate students and faculty on pedagogy; visited a rhetorical theory graduate class and discussed my work with students; and facilitated a public viewing and discussion of a documentary film.
Del Gandio, J. (2009, October). Communication, desire, and the creation of reality: A preliminary talk on neo-radicalism. Talk presented at the University of Louisiana at Monroe, Department of Communication, Monroe, LA.
- Also met with graduate students to discuss my background in communication and activism.
Del Gandio, J. (2009, March). The performance, philosophy, and rhetoric of neo- radicalism: Activism and the construction of reality. Talk presented at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Department of Speech Communication, Carbondale, IL.
- Also met with students of Professor Kathy Hytten of the Education Department to discuss rhetoric and activism. Her students were using my book, Rhetoric for radicals: A handbook for 21st activists.
Del Gandio, J. (2017, February). Online activism and protests. Guest on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal. Online at
Del Gandio, J. (2012, May). Poorfare state. Panel participant on RT’s CrossTalk. Online at
Del Gandio, J. (2011, October). The 99%. Panel participant on RT’s CrossTalk. Online at
Radio Interviews/Talks
(2020, July 21). BYUradio (SiriusXM 143), Provo, Utah.
(2020, April 10). Brian Talks to Humans (Podcast), Montclair, NJ.
(2017, January 16). KCBS Radio, San Francisco, CA.
(2016, June 21). Raging Chicken Press Radio (Podcast), Kutztown, PA.
(2014, September 2). Total Liberation Radio (Podcast), Minneapolis, MN.
(2014, August 30). Total Liberation Radio (Podcast), Minneapolis, MN.
(2014, July 29). Progressive Radio Network, New York, NY.
(2013, December 11). WRPI Radio, Troy, NY.
(2012, July 11). J.J.’s Power Hour. WHIP Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.
(2012, April 26). J.J.’s Power Hour. WHIP Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.
(2011, February 23). The Critical Lede (Podcast), South Carolina.
(2010, August 26). WPEB Radio, Philadelphia, PA.
(2009, October 27). KEDM Radio, NPR affiliate, Monroe, LA
(2009, August 21). WBAI Radio, New York, NY.
(2009, March 16). WDBX Radio, Carbondale, IL.
(2009, January 22). WURD Radio, Philadelphia, PA.
(2008, December 30). KCMN Radio, Colorado Springs, CO.
(2008, December 29). WORT-FM, Madison, WI, PRI & Pacifica affiliate.
(2008, December 23). KERA Radio, NPR affiliate, Dallas TX.
(2008, December, 17). VIEWPOINTS. Media Tracks. Nationally Syndicated.
(2008, December, 17). KCBX FM 90, NPR affiliate, San Luis Obispo, CA.
(2008, December, 17). Lime Radio, Sirius Satellite Network, National.
(2008, December 15). KFIZ Radio, statewide Wisconsin.
(2008, December 12). News Feature, Voice of America, International.
(2008, December 11). WAMC, National Productions, NPR, Albany, NY.
(2008, December 9). KRCL Radio, Salt Lake City, UT.
(2008, December 5). WCBQ-WHNC-AM, Oxford, North Carolina.
(2008, December 5). WGVU Radio, Grand Rapids, MI, NPR affiliate.
(2008, December 5). WPKM RADIO, Bridgeport, CT & Montauk, NY.
(2008, December 1). Newsradio710keel in Shreveport, LA.
(2008, December 1). KVON Radio, ABC Radio Affiliate in Napa, CA.
(2008, December 1). WBEV Radio, Madison & Central WI.
(2008, November 21). KAXE Radio, NPR in Grand Rapid, MN.
(2008, November 19). KSFR Radio, Santa Fe/Albuquerque, NM.
Newspaper Interviews/Quoted-In
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2023, February 14). Susan Snyder, Striking grad students feel the toll of Temple’s tactics but remain steadfast. Philadelphia Inquirer, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2022, November 18). Fallon Roth, Chappelle stirs the pot as fallout from Kanye’s antisemitism boils over. Moment Magazine, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2020, December 1). Nichole Currie, Look back at how activists in 2020 set their sights on creating a better, kinder city. Grid Magazine, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2020, November 16). Stephen Loiaconi, After violence at DC ‘MAGA March’, experts say divisions run deeper than Trump. Sinclair Broadcast Group, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2020, October 30). Chanel Hill, College professors take a deeper look at the city's social unrest. The Philadelphia Tribune, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2020, September 17). Alyssa Biederman, Meet Gen Z activists: Called to action in an unsettled world. Burlington County Times/Bucks County Courier Post, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2020, August 31). Stephen Loiaconi, Oregon officials spar with Trump over responsibility as Portland unrest turns fatal. Sinclair Broadcast Group, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2020, July 20). Stephen Loiaconi, House Dems and local officials challenge Trump's use of federal officers in Portland. Sinclair Broadcast Group, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2020, June 11). Stephen Loiaconi, Seattle officials rebuff Trump threats as they struggle with protesters’ ‘autonomous zone’. Sinclair Broadcast Group, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2019, December 23). Susan Snyder & Anna Orso, A ‘new wave’ of activism on campus: Students are aggressively seeking their demands. Philadelphia Inquirer, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2019, August 14). Stephen Loiaconi, ICE blames ‘political rhetoric’ for violence against offices as immigration tensions rise. Sinclair Broadcast Group, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2018, January 22). Stephen Loiaconi, Resistance, supporters remain energized one year after Trump took office. WJLA, ABC affiliate, Washington, DC, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2017, November 16). Stephen Loiaconi, Experts say Democrats have little to gain from pursuing Trump impeachment. WJLA, ABC affiliate, Washington, DC, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2017, September 20). Stephen Loiaconi, Some DACA recipients wary of Democrats considering deal with Trump. WJLA, ABC affiliate, Washington, DC, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2017, August 24). Leandra Bernstein, Antifa, far-right clashes raises questions about violence as a political tool. WHP CBS 21, Harrisburg, PA, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2017, August 7). Stephen Loiaconi, Violent protests in Oregon on eve of Trump’s 200th day in office. WJLA, ABC affiliate, Washington, DC, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2017, June 15). Stephen Loiaconi, After shooting, law makers aim to tamp down extreme rhetoric. WJLA, ABC affiliate, Washington, DC, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2017, April 28). Stephen Loiaconi, Canceled Coulter Speech sparks debate over free speech at colleges. WJLA, ABC affiliate, Washington, DC, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2017, March 14). Stephen Loiaconi, Spicer harassment at Apple store a sign of increasingly uncivil times. WJLA, ABC affiliate, Washington, DC, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2017, March 6). Stephen Loiaconi, Former Obama officials become aggressive voices against Trump. WJLA, ABC affiliate, Washington, DC, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2017, March 2). Anna Orso & Mark Dent, Why Pat Toomey is maybe the most-protested U.S. senator. Billy Penn, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2017, February 24). Stephen Loiaconi, Experts: Town hall anger may not translate into electoral gains for Democrats. WJLA, ABC affiliate, Washington, DC, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio quoted-in (2017, February 5). Quote pulled from Newswise, What should anti-Trump protesters do next? Gloucester City News,, online n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2017, January 30). Stephen Loiaconi, Democrats may not be able to capitalize on anti-Trump movement. WJLA, ABC affiliate, Washington, DC, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2016, December 28). Christopher Mele, Online petitions take citizen participation to new levels. New York Times, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2013, October 2). Dana DiFilippo, Drones for the claws. Philadelphia Daily News, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2013, July 15). Jeff Gammage, Another reason backers say PA should legalize gay marriage: $$$. Philadelphia Inquirer, online, n.p.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2013, April 8). Nicole Radzievich, Penn state trustee campaign heats up. The Morning Call, p. A1.
J. Del Gandio interviewed (2009, January 15-22). Molly Eichel, Speaking radically. Philadelphia City Paper, p. 38.
Book Events and Discussions
Book: Spontaneous Combustion: The Eros Effect and Global Revolution.
- Del Gandio, J. & Thompson, AK. (2018, May 9). Presentation at Wooden Shoe Bookstore, Philadelphia, PA.
Book: The terrorization of dissent: Corporate repression, legal corruption, and the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act.
- Del Gandio, J. (2014, September 5). Presentation at Wooden Shoe Bookstore, Philadelphia, PA.
- Del Gandio, J. (2008, December 13). Presentation at Crash Collective, Burlington, VT.
- Del Gandio, J. (2008, December 13). Presentation at Black Sheep Books, Montpelier, VT.
- Del Gandio, J. (2008, December 12). Presentation at Lucy Parson’s Center, Boston, MA.
- Del Gandio, J. (2008, December 5). Presentation at Red Emma’s Bookstore and Coffeehouse, Baltimore, MD.
- Del Gandio, J. (2008, November 21). Presentation at Bluestockings Bookstore, Manhattan, NY.
- Del Gandio, J. (2008, November 14). Presentation at Wooden Shoe Bookstore, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2022, April 7). Art and activism. Invited talk for members of the Temple University chapter of All in Pennsylvania [a voter registration organization]. Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2020, January/February). Communication/Campaign Consulting. Offered free advice/consulting (on messaging, strategy, press release/press advisory) to the Director of Campus Programs of Divest Ed (a nonprofit part of the youth climate movement). Cambridge, MA.
Del Gandio, J. (2019, March 21). Art and activism. Invited talk for members of the Temple University chapter of Defend Our Future [nonpartisan environmental nonprofit]. Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2018, July 31). Art and activism. Invited talk for members of Defend Our Future [nonpartisan environmental nonprofit]. Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2017, June 14). Communication/Campaign Consulting. Offered free consulting (on language, messaging, strategy) to the Philabundance Department of Sustainability. Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2017, March 27). Workshop: Social Movement Literacy. Workshop for University Community Collaborative [a youth leadership program]. Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2017, February 3). Workshop: Primer on activism and organizing. Private workshop for Kids March for Bernie [a coalition of progressive families; including adults and kids ages six to thirteen]. Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2016, February 19). Workshop: Internal organization for activists. Private workshop for Maroon Tribe Philly, a Black arts and political education collective started by Temple University students.
Del Gandio, J. (2011, September 28). The vibe as bodily emanation: A public talk and discussion. Public talk/discussion presented at Space 2033, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2011, August 29). Invitational rhetoric: A workshop on feminist communication. Public talk/discussion presented at Space 2033, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2011, August 21). Finding the other: The power of the human word. Invited speaker/participant at Steel City Coffee House, Phoenixville, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2011, July 28). Invitational rhetoric: A workshop on feminist communication. Public talk/discussion presented at Wooden Shoe Bookstore, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J., & Nocella, A. J. (2011, June 9). A workshop on transformative justice and communication. Public talk/discussion presented at Wooden Shoe Bookstore, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2011, June 8). Philosophy for radicals: A how-to workshop. Public talk/discussion presented at Wooden Shoe Bookstore, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2011, June 1). Speaking radically: A public speaking workshop. Public talk/discussion presented at Wooden Shoe Bookstore, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2011, May 9). Facilitator, public viewing and discussion of the documentary Examined life [Dir. Astra Taylor, 2009]. Presented at Wooden Shoe Bookstore, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2009, January 15). Speaking radically: A public speaking workshop. Talk/discussion presented at Wooden Shoe Bookstore, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2009, January 13). Speaking radically: A public speaking workshop. Talk/discussion presented for the NY Trade Justice Coalition, at the Brecht Forum, Manhattan, NY.
Del Gandio, J. (2008, January 4). Facilitator, Intellectuals and radical social change. Reading and discussion group held at Wooden Shoe Bookstore, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2007, December 18). Facilitator, Which way to revolution: Materialism, immaterialism, and implications for contemporary activist theory and practice. Reading and discussion group held at Wooden Shoe Bookstore, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2007, June 4 and 11). Rhetoric for radicals: A communication workshop. Talk/discussion presented at A-Space, Philadelphia, PA.
Del Gandio, J. (2007, March 11). Hardt and Negri’s multitude: Explanation and discussion. Talk/discussion presented the National Conference on Organized Resistance, Washington, DC.
Del Gandio, J. (2006, July). Public speaking workshop. Talk/discussion presented for the NYC People’s Referendum on Free Trade, Manhattan, NY.
Del Gandio, J. (2005, February). Revolutionary discourse: Knowledge, skills, and craft. Talk presented at the National Conference on Organized Resistance, Washington, DC.
Del Gandio, J. (2004, January). Stopping the FTAA and CAFTA: Strategies and alternatives. Talk presented at the National Conference on Organized Resistance, Washington, DC.
Del Gandio, J. (2004, January). Speaking radically: A public speaking workshop for radicals. Talk/discussion presented at the National Conference on Organized Resistance, Washington, DC.
Del Gandio, J. (2018, June 13). Invited speaker, lobbying day to end Pennsylvania’s life without parole [LWOP]. Harrisburg, PA.
(2016, Winter to 2017, Summer). Invited to attend meetings of Lifers Intra-Organizational Network and provide expert advice on the campaign to overturn life without parole in Pennsylvania. Graterford State Prison, Skippack, PA.
(2016, July 11-13). Conference participant. Restoring American values: Combatting anti-Muslim speech and behavior. Conference organized by the National Institute for Civil Discourse, Washington, DC. [Invited to attend by the School of Media and Communication, Dean’s Office.]
(2010-2013). Director and co-founder, Academy for peace education [training school for peace activists].
(2011, October-to-December). Occupy Philadelphia. Contributed to the media working-group [wrote stories for website, interviewed activists, promoted occupy-related events], Philadelphia, PA.
(2010, March-to-present). Rhetoricians for Peace. An online collaborative community of scholars and teachers of rhetoric dedicated to social justice. [Most of the participants are from English/composition.]
(2005, fall). World Can’t Wait, NYC local chapter. A national coalition dedicated to building a progressive movement responsive to the post-9/11 environment. Served on the steering committee [organized marches, speaking events, fund raisers; contacted elected officials; helped with outreach], New York City.
(2004, summer). The RNC Welcoming Committee. Organized housing for demonstrations against the Republican National Convention, New York City.
(2003-2004). NYC People’s Referendum. A grassroots coalition dedicated to reforming economic free trade agreements. Member of the congressional watch and provided help with the outreach committee. New York City.
- (2003, November). Free trade agreements and the subversion of democracy. Public presentation at A Call to Action Conference, sponsored by the Peace and Justice Coalition, Riverside Church, Manhattan, NY.
- (2003, October). NYC people’s referendum against the FTAA. Workshop and skills-share organized by Global Exchange and Rain Forest Action Network, Manhattan, NY.
- (2003, September). Radio brief about the NYC people’s referendum against the FTAA. WBAI radio, at the rally for the Immigrants’ Rights Freedom Ride, Queens, NY.
- (2003, September). Assistant organizer for benefit screening of the documentary Life and debt [Dir. Stephanie Black, 2001]. Presented at Anthology Film Archives, Manhattan, NY.
- (2003, August). The effects of free trade and economic inequality. Invited presentation by the Long Island Progressive Fund Collective, Long Island, NY.
- (July, 2003). Moderator, Balloting kick-off for the NYC people’s referendum, held at Brecht Forum, Manhattan, NY.
- (July, 2003). Assistant organizer, Congressional lobbying workshop, held at Brecht Forum, Manhattan, NY.
- (2003, April). The effects of Free Trade and Economic Inequality. Public presentation at Brecht Forum, Manhattan, NY.
- (2003, March). The effects of Free Trade and Economic Inequality. Public presentation at NYCISPES office, Manhattan, NY.
- (2003, February). Workshop on public speaking for activists. Talk/discussion presented at NYCISPES office, Manhattan, NY.
(2003-2004). Long Island Teachers for Human Rights. A coalition of teachers monitoring and fighting for human rights, Long Island, NY.
(2003-2005). Near New York, Inc. A community based performance and art company, Long Island, NY. Volunteered as project coordinator, Long Island, NY.
(2003, Fall). Community outreach educator and workshop leader for The Women and work performance project, Long Island, NY.
(2003, March). Radio appearance to discuss economic globalization, the global justice movement, and the peace movement. Linda Longmire, WRHU 88.7 FM, Hofstra University, Long Island, NY.
(2003, April). International Delegate, on behalf of NYCISPES. Traveled to Venezuela with a delegation of NYC activists to observe a Latin American Solidarity Conference. Submitted a report on the current state of the Venezuelan revolution.
- (2003, July). Venezuela’s Bolivarian revolution. Talk presented at Camp for Spanish Activists, organized by NYCISPES, Truxton, NY.
- (2003, June). Venezuelan revolution: Brief report back [a written report of my observations]. Originally posted online at