Spontaneous Combustion:
The Eros Effect and Global Revolution
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The Eros Effect and Global Revolution
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Rhetoric for Radicals:
A Handbook for 21st Century Activists
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The Terrorization of Dissent:
Corporate Repression, Legal Corruption, and the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act
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Educating for Action:
Strategies to Ignite Social Change
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Strategies to Ignite Social Change
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Discussing Online Activism and Anti-Trump Movement on C-SPAN
Quoted in the New York Times about the effectiveness of online petitions:
"Online Petitions Take Citizen Participation to New Levels. But Do They Work?"
Online Academic Writings
Del Gandio, J. (2017). Social movement literacy: A conceptual overview. Pedagogy and Theater of the Oppressed Journal, 2(1), 1-26.
Del Gandio, J. (2017). Social movement literacy: Syllabus. Dialogues in Social Justice: An Adult Education Journal, 2(2), 123-132.
Del Gando, J. (2017). Expanding CAP’s interventionist model and developing proper learning rubrics [Special forum on communication activism pedagogy (CAP)]. Communication Education, 66(3), 376-378.
Del Gandio, J. (2017). More than solutions: Empowering students to think strategically and tactically. Communication Teacher. 31.2, 63-69.
Del Gandio, J. (2014). Extending the eros effect: Sentience, reality, and emanation. New Political Science. 36.2, 129-148.
Del Gandio,J. (2012). From affectivity to bodily emanation: An introduction to the human vibe. Journal of Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture. 7.2, 28-58.
Del Gandio, J.(2011). Rethinking immaterial labor: Communication, reality, and neo-radicalism. Radical Philosophy Review. 14.2, 121-38.
Del Gandio, J. (2009). You can do it: A conversation with theatrical artist Cynthia Hopkins. Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies. 5.4, n.p.
Del Gandio, J. (2009). Global justice rhetoric: Observations and suggestions. Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization. 8.2, 182-203.
Del Gandio, J. (2006). Performing the Dum’ Dum doctrine: A non-representational account of Bush’s expansionism. Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies. 2.1, n.p.
Del Gandio, J. (2006). Bush's S20 and the rerouting of American order. Cultural Logic. 9, n.p.